Organizing Your Refrigerator

My husband loves snacks and purchasing premade items from the grocery store. It makes me crazy, with all the containers in the refrigerator. I can’t see what’s on each shelf. I do clean out my refrigerator every Sunday morning. I toss out old and expired leftovers, clean and wipe the shelves and clean out the vegetable drawers.

I like using clear, small plastic containers to store my husbands pint size premade foods that I call “David’s stuff”. He has several containers of his “stuff”. I also use these clear hard plastic containers in the freezer to sort and separate frozen foods such as fish, chicken or beef products. This way I can just pull out the container and see what I have.

Another good place to organize is the door of the refrigerator. Many times we keep pasta or taco sauce a bit too long. Open it up and if there is mold, throw it away. If around the lid it is crusty, this is another good sign it is old and should be discarded.

Go through your vegetable drawer. I like putting down a fresh paper towel to collect the extra leaves from vegetables and to keep the drawer clean. Vegetables don’t last long, so you don’t want to discover something all smashed. It’s a gooey mess.

Also, go through your freezer. Toss any Ziploc bags that are open since if the meat is exposed, it probably has freezer burn. I keep a baking soda box in the freezer and refrigerator to eliminate odors. But your do need to change it about every 4 to 5 months.